Are you sick and tired of revisiting old fears, doubts, limitiations, old stories or past pains that continue to resurface that you just want to clear once and for all and close that chapter of your life...

It gets emotionally exhausting revisiting the old BS & that is why I've put together Energy Clearing Session for you...

This session is about creating an opportunity for you, when you've decided ENOUGH IS ENOUGH of the barrage of old shit & finally be free to live life without these old ties holding you back...

I’ve always believed no one gets through life unscathed... Meaning we all had survived some terrible experiences along your human & spiritual journey...

Put your hand up if any of these experiences have happened to you:

A painful relationship breakup...

Parent’s divorce...

A bad accident...

A Parent not be there for you as you wanted them to be...
Loved one die...
Friend or family member hurt you so much that you’ve never forgotten it...
Got bullied...
Failed at something that meant so much to you...

Just to mention a few life experiences that create intense deep hurt, pain and near break your heart...

Each of these experiences leave DEEP SCARS within our souls that left unhealed continue to play out in your current reality...

These emotional wounds create’s BLOCKS, LIMITATIONS, and stops you living fully so you keep yourself SMALL that play out by:

You say NO to things you wish you could say YES too...
You keep people at a distance because your SCARED of being hurt yet you deeply want to be loved by friends and partners...
You SUPPRESS your emotions with food, alcohol, drugs,etc
You never really COMMIT to anything you desperately want, so then you can’t fail
You treat yourself HARSHLY because you think this pushes you to do better & be better but really it slowly DESTROYS your soul...

The list goes on to describe what you do to HIDE those emotions attached to these painful times in your life...

You CAN CHANGE this... You don't need to keep these patterns that trigger these past pains anymore...

You CAN simply decide ENOUGH IS ENOUGH and CLEAR this emotional junk once and for all... Here's how:

An Energy Healing Session helps you receive CLOSURE to all those old hurts and provides emotional freedom where your memories no longer TRIGGER those old emotions from that time...

You can remember that time, but it no longer opens those old wounds anymore...

In fact, you become a SURVIVOR of your past and not a victim anymore...

If this sounds like you’ve reached that TURNING POINT where you just want closure from your pain, then I’d love to help you...




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>>> You're having those moment where one part of your mind is reminding you that you  deserve better and the other part of your mind is just over the constant barrage of old          emotional baggage coming up...

>>> You want to clear anything that could potentially be holding you back...


1.5 hour session that will be recorded & sent to you, so you can have the replay to listen back over as we tend to forget things...
Coaching/mentoring to help you discover how to break the cycle that created the energy blocks...
Action steps providing guidance on how to continue the healing after the session...

If this sounds like something you're interested and want to know more, please feel free to email me and Im happy to share more about this offer...

There are payments plans on offer, so that money doesn't become the issue that holds you back from living the life you know you deserve...

Want To Break Free From Old Limitations Or Patterns That Keep You Playing Small Or Hide Your Amazingness???


If You've Come To This Page Remember To:

Much Love
Rachael xx


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